

We are the clear choice for all of your memorial needs. We have the largest inventory in the tri-state area of PA, NY and NJ. We also have over 400 memorials on display in more than 25 color choices.

We are qualified to meet your memorial needs as we have a history of over 130 years of experienced craftsmanship, always using first quality materials.

Memorials are chosen to honor and remember our loved ones. Sometimes, family members like to add more than just names and dates to the memorial. That’s where we can help. Our professional design team can help you choose items that reflect your loved one’s life. Black and white etching, color etching, glass art, sunk-relief sculpting, bronze accoutrements, solar lighting and vases are ways in which you can personalize a monument. Give us your photographs and we can re-create your homestead scene, favorite animals or anything you wish on the memorial of your choice. The possibilities are unlimited and can be as unique as your loved one.

We offer free design services and free delivery within a 50-mile radius of our Honesdale, PA location.

memorial gallery

Monument Styles & Finishes

Monument Styles & Finishes

Martin Caufield Memorial Works has been crafting family memorials since 1877 from granite and marble. Typically, granite is the preferred material for monuments because of its beauty and durability as it is a very hard igneous rock mined from deep in the earth. Granite is available in many colors and grains and is an excellent palette for showcasing engravings and etchings.

There are different styles and finishes available from which to choose. Several finishes are available in each of the styles. The stone can be highly polished on all sides, or it can be highly polished on only the front, the top or the back. The rest of the stone could be steeled which gives it a smooth textured finish or rock pitched which is a natural rocky appearance. A sawn finish has a smooth but dull appearance.

One style is a die or upright marker which is perpendicular to the ground and is set atop a base that raises it off the ground. They are usually rectangular in shape and have a serpentine or oval top.

A slant has a slanted face or front and is lower to the ground than dies and can be set directly on the cemetery footer at ground level or atop a base. It too can have a serpentine or an oval shaped top.

Flat grass markers are almost always rectangular and are flush with the ground. Bevel markers protrude form the ground and have a slightly beveled or slanted face and rock pitch sides. Bronze markers are flat, rectangular markers with a pre-cast bronze top and a concrete or granite base.


Monday- Friday 9am – 4pm
Saturday 9am – 12pm

Call for other appointment times.

Toll Free: 1-800-824-5293.
Local: 570-253-3300
Email Us: [email protected]

Located on Route 191 South of Honesdale, PA at
249 Sunrise Avenue, Honesdale, PA 18431.

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